Release Notes of FlexHinge

Below you will find the history of the FlexHinge release notes.

Release 2.2.0 (July 2024)

  • Improved: compatibility with ‘dark mode’;
  • Improved: minor UI improvements.

Release 2.1.0 (July 2024)

  • New: release check (manual and/or automatic);
  • New: ‘About’ menu.
  • Updated: picture with variables (added Cyy).
  • Update: minor typo in the help files.

Release 2.0.0 (May 2024)

  • Full rewrite of FlexHinge using the Xojo (RAD) programming language. Many user interface improvements;
  • 64 bit;
  • New: Linux build (Deb package tested on Linux Mint);
  • New: Program menu (File, Edit, Settings, Help);
  • New: German, French and Spanish user interface (besides English and Dutch);
  • New: Material list instead of drop down;
  • New: Calculate button instead of immediate calculation;
  • New: Create document (.doc) with flexure hinge design;
  • New: Save & load a flexure hinge design (.json);
  • New: Installation file for (company) IT-Environment. Preferences are saved in the users AppData folder;
  • New: Separate Zip file for portable installations.

Release 1.1.1 (November 2023)

  • Solved: bug in Windows 11 with material selection and when changing the material list.

Release 1.1.0 (October 2023)

  • New: imperial units;
  • New: window position is saved on exit;
  • Improved: minor UI improvements;
  • Some code rewrites.

Release 1.0.3 (November 2010)

  • Improved: rendering on Windows 7.

Release 1.0.2 (August 2010)

  • Added: maximum stress check.

Release 1.0.1 (August 2010)

  • Fixed: minor bug in “Copy to Clipboard”.

Release 1.0 (September 2009)

  • First release.